Monday, September 22, 2008

The Trouble With Fries - Gladwell

How would Gladwell respond to the responsibility question from September 15?

Gladwell would say it is definitely McDonald's and the other fast food places' responsibility to make healthier fries and foods which are not such a risk to us human consumers. We are obviously not going to make our own fries (most of us I don't think would really be capable), so we are going to buy theirs. And not only are they cooking these things in horrible transfat-containing oils, but they aren't warning us very clearly about it (there aren't big WARNINGs on fries or anything). McDonald's is choosing the cheaper, easier way out, at the expense of the health of its consumers. Gladwell says "it is clear that fast food needs a second revolution."
In his view, McDonald's and such are making the choice to use these harmful ingredients and cooking techniques, when they COULD be making them much more healthy. It is THEIR fault for our health problems (the ones related to eating fastfood at least). Gladwell says in his article, "Ray Kroc's French fries are killing us. Can fast food be fixed?"
"McDonald's and Burger King and Wendy's have switched to a product, without disclosing its risks, that may cost human lives. What is the difference between this and the kind of thing over which consumers sue companies every day?"
According to Gladwell, it is their responsibility to "fix" the fries, but perhaps it is our responsibility to force them to make that change.

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